Date |
Government Order with Subject |
15/12/2015 | G.O (Rt) No.684/2015/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Higher Education Department- Private Aided Colleges- I Grade Librarians placed under UGC Scheme- Anomaly rectification-reinstating of GO(Rt)No.63-2012-H.Edn dated 09.01.2012 with necessary amendments-Orders issued. |
12/11/2015 | GO(MS) No. 647/2014/HEDN DCE - Starting up of new 12 arts & Science Colleges & posts in various - sanctioned |
01/12/2015 | GO(MS) No. 668/2015/HEDN DCE - Creation of new posts in various Arts & Science Colleges - sanctioned orders issued |
01/06/2015 | G.O (P) No.225/2015/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Payment of Sixth UGC Pay Revision Arrears- Release of Second Installment- |
05/05/2015 | G.O (Ms) No.156/2015/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Sixth UGC Scheme- Clarifications to the G.O.(P) NO.58-2010-H.Edn dated 27.03.2010-Modified- |
28/04/2015 | G.O (Ms) No.148/2015/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Govt Arts and science college-appointment of head of the dept & duties -guideline -(G.O.(Ms)No.150-2014 dated,27.03.14)- amended-orders issued. |
29/01/2015 | G.O (Ms) No.178/2015/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Collegiate Education-Timing of College Teachers-Implementation of Punching System-modified-Orders issued |
20/11/2014 | G.O.(MS)No.939/2014/H.Edn. Higher Education-IHRD-Pay Revision-Extending the benefit of 9th Pay Revision to the Employees of IHRD and the institutions under it-Sanctioned-Orders issued. |
20/08/2014 | G.O.(Ms) No. 692/14/ H.Edn Higher Education-IHRD- Implimentaion of special rules-sanctioned -orders issued |
19/07/2014 | G.O.(Ms) No. 552/2014/ H.Edn Higher Education Department- The terms and conditions of Teaching Staff working in unaided colleges -Sanctioned -Orders issued |
15/07/2014 | G.O.(Ms) No. 497/2014/ H.Edn. Higher Education-Rashtriya Uchchatar Shilksha Abhiyan(RUSA)- Implementation in the state Consititution of project Directorate -Sanction accorded -Orders issued |
15/07/2014 | G.O.(Ms) No. 496/2014/ H.Edn. Higher Education-Rashtriya Uchchatar Shilksha Abhiyan(RUSA)- Implementation in the state sanction accorded-Orders issued |
31/05/2014 | GO(MS) No. 224/2014/HEDN DCE - Creation of new posts in various Arts & Science Colleges - sanctioned orders issued |
27/03/2014 | G.O (Ms) No.150/2014/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education -Appointment, Duties and Responsibilities of Head of Department in various Departments of Colleges -Guidelines fixed- Orders issued. |
28/02/2014 | G.O.(Ms) No. 100/14/ H.Edn. Higher Education – LBS Centre for Science & Technology – Implementation of 9th Pay Revision benefits to the employees of LBS Centre and Engineering Collegesunder it – Orders issued. |
21/02/2014 | G.O.(Ms) No. 85/2014/ H.Edn. Higher Education Department -Extension of UGC Scheme benifts to Lecturers working in Arabic Colleges-Fixation, Placement and appointments-Orders issued |
05/10/2013 | G.O. (Ms.) No: 635/2013/H.Edn Higher Education - Technical - Apprenticeship Training under Apprentice Act, 1973 -Apprenticeship treated as experience for employment in State Government Organisations - Orders issued. |
12/09/2013 | G.O. (Ms.) No: 615/2013/H.Edn Higher Education - Technical -Starting New Aided Courses in State Aided Arts & Science Colleges- sanction accorded- orders issued. |
03/09/2013 | G.O (Ms) No.597/2013/H.Edn Higher Education Department – Sixth UGC Scheme-Clarification to the G.O(P).58/2010/H.Edn dated 27.03.2010 -judgement of Hon’ble High court in WP(C) no.28682/2012-complied with orders issued |
18/07/2013 | G.O (Ms) No.511/2013/H.Edn Higher Education Department- Self financing/unaided Courses/colleges-execution of renewal agreement with the government |
19/07/2012 | G.O (Ms) No.332/2012/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Higher Education - UGC Scheme -UGC Pay revision - Sanctioning of advanceincrements for persons who have been awarded Ph.D Degree between 1.9.2008 and 18.9.2010- clarification - orders issued |
08/11/2011 | G.O (Ms) No.309/2011/H.Edn Higher Education Department-NSS-Weightage of mark to NSS volunteers Modified orders -issued |
27/03/2010 | G.O.(P) No. 58/2010/H.Edn. UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of pay of teachers in Universities, Affiliated colleges, teachers in Law Colleges and Engineering Colleges and Kerala Agricultural University and teachers in Physical Education and qualified Librarians etc – Orders Issued. |
06/09/2008 | G.O (Rt) No.1355/2008/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Technical Visiting Faculty Scheme in Govt Engineering Colleges and Fine Arts Colleges of the State Committee constituted terms and conditions fixed orders issued |
21/08/2007 | G.O (MS) No.112/2007/H.Edn Higher Education Department-NCC Dept - weightage of marks to A, & C Certificate holders of NCC for appointment in Govt jobs sanctioned orders issued |
14/06/2006 | G.O (MS) No.126/2006/H.Edn Higher Education Department- |
14/02/2006 | G.O (MS) No.26/2006/H.Edn Higher Education Department- State Central Library – Delegation of Administrative and Financial powers to the State Librarian, the Administrative Assistant to State Librarian and Deputy State Librarian – Sanctioned – Orders issued. |
19/01/2006 | G.O (Ms) No.14/2006/H.Edn Higher Education Department- Commonpool Library Service - Implementaion of UGC Scheme - further orders issued |
04/01/2006 | G.O (Rt) No.58/2006/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Thiruvananthapuram PublicLibrary-Library advisory committee reconstituted |
04/01/2006 | G.O (MS) No.3/2006/H.Edn Higher Education Department- State Central Library – Rules for Renting of the Auditorium of Children’s Library – orders issued |
29/05/2003 | G.O (MS) No.209/2003/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Revised fees structure |
17/03/2003 | G.O (MS) No.66/2003/H.Edn Higher Education Department- Mobilisation of Non tax revenue - enhanced orders issued |
19/04/2001 | GO(MS) No. 87/91/ H Edn UGC Scheme-Extension of benifits to qualifies librarians and Qualified Physical education Teachers Firther Orders Issued |
08/12/2000 | Circular No.27855/A3/2000/H.Edn Higher Education Department- Commonpool Libraries - Missing of books responsibility - reg |
04/07/2000 | G.O (P) No.110/2000/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Universities and Colleges- UGC scheme -Revision of Pay Scales-Fixation Pay |
12/07/1999 | G.O (MS) No.77/1999/H.Edn Higher Education Department-Conducting of Guidelines – revised orders issued.Certificate Course in Library Science in Thiruvananthapuram Public Library and Kerala |
05/10/1998 |
G.O (MS) No.120/1998/H.Edn
Higher Education Department-Commonpool Librarians - Departmental Promotion Committee (Lower) constituted - orders issued |