e-Office | |
e-Office aims to conduct office procedures electronically thereby transforming government offices to paperless offices and bringing about benefits of digital communication. It is a Digital Workplace Solution that comprises of various modules like File Management System (eFile)and Knowledge Management System (KMS).e-Office project was approved by the Kerala Government in August 2013 to automate file flow in all 42 departments at Kerala Government Secretariat.Finance is one of the departments which implemented e-office for the first time and migrated fully to e-Office within record time.
eFile is a workflow based system that replaces the existing manual handling of files with a more efficient electronic system. This system involves all stages, including the diarisation of inward letters, creation of files, making noting & referencing, preparation of draft for approval, issue of letter, movement of receipts and files and finally the archival of records. With this system, the movement of receipts and files becomes seamless and there is more transparency in the system since each and every action taken on a file is recorded electronically. eFiles can be easily searched and retrieved and actions on them can be taken instantly. They can also link to and reference relevant files, documents, rulings and decisions. This simplifies decision making, as all the required information is available at a single point.KMS manages large volume of documents that include Policies, Forms, Acts and Regulations, Circulars, Guidelines and Standards, Annual reports, Office orders, Office Memorandums and Manuals. This is a role based system that helps to upload, locate, search, view documents at individual level with the privileges applicable.e-Office Citizen Interface (http://eoffice.kerala.gov.in) e-Office Citizen Interface is created as a separate application with Read only access to e-Office database. It provides the facility to search for File/ Tapal and check its status. Also, Government Orders and Circulars can also be searched and viewed.
Url : http://eoffice.kerala.gov.in | |
Official Website - English | |
The Official Website of Higher Education Department is acknowledged as the most popular and informative website and has the record traffic of daily visitors. It supplies citizen with all daily major decisions promulgated from this department. The significance of this portal is that citizen can download attested and authenticated copies of Orders/Circulars etc from this website and thus saving the Government in the expenditure on printing considerably. This website in reality is a knowledge base of information and documents relating to Higher Education Department. Url : http://highereducation.kerala.gov.in |
Official Website - Malayalam | |
The Official Website in Malayalam of Higher Education Department is acknowledged as the most popular and informative website and has the record traffic of daily visitors. It supplies citizen with all daily major decisions promulgated from this department. The significance of this portal is that citizen can download attested and authenticated copies of Orders/Circulars etc from this website and thus saving the Government in the expenditure on printing considerably. This website in reality is a knowledge base of information and documents relating to Higher Education Department. Url : http://highereducationml.kerala.gov.in |
SOAFT System for Online Application for Foreign Travel | |
The software ‘SOAFT’ – System for Online Application for Foreign Travel) of the Higher Education Department is administered by Higher Education Department and the web based software designed and developed by IHRD. The main objective of the project is to develop an online platform for faculties working in various institutes and organizations under Higher education department to submit request and get approval for their foreign visit in academic purpose. The online system may speed up the process and reduce the complexity faced. Url :http://www.soaft.kerala.gov.in/ |
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